Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Today I skipped down the hall. Quite literally skipped down the hallway to my desk and plopped joyously into my chair. Thankfully my day job is solitary and there is never anybody around to see these off the cuff displays of sheer delight.
And that is how I would describe my life of late; delightful.

2011 was a tumultous year, an inexplicable, unequivocal, overwhelming emotional roller coaster. Moments of all consuming happiness shadowed by some of the most intense saddness I have ever felt. The juxtaposition of my life, the beach in torrential rain.

Yet through the saddness there was never a moment when I slipped, never a moment when it all became too much and I thought for even one second of giving up. Through every dark shadow I could see the sunshine at the other end, and this is something I have never felt before. I am hopeful. And I can see without a doubt all of the beauty in my life and i'm no longer afraid of it.

...I am living in the future I always dreamed of, and now that i'm here everything that came before seems worth it.

I cant wait to see what happens next.

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