Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I have nightmares alot, usually about snakes or trying to fly away from something that never seems to make sense in the morning. My most common is running away from a large faceless man, i never know what it wants to do to me but i know it isnt good. I need to get away. I run to my house thinking it should be safe there but the door never locks, i try to hold it closed, sometimes Nigel is there too trying to help me shut it out, i say "it" because i know its not a man, its an energy, a memory. Every time the door opens and its about to burst through i wake up and i cry or shake and Nigel is there to make me feel ok but the feeling stays for a long time afterwards.
There is no worse fear than whatever it is thats chasing me but sometimes i wish i could stay asleep so in my dream i could face it, let it get me or show itself so maybe the nightmares would go away and i could understand why my dream world is so incredibly different to how i feel when i'm awake.

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