To me nice implies a behaviour. To me, a "nice" person acts pleasently towards others, to anyone, everyone. They are agreeable and accomodating. Whereas a "good person" can perhaps do bad things but their core being is good. Anybody can be nice, anyone can act pleasently- John wayne Gacy seemed to be a pretty ncie guy, even the fucking mayor dug him but underneath that nice exterior was one of the gnarliest monsters of our time, he was sadistic and evil. Most serial killers seem to be the nicest people around.
To me nice aint worth shit, nice is a behaviour, a mere replica of how people think people should behave. Nice is boring, nice is the colour lavender, it eventually bores the shit out of you or turns out to be a psychopathic let down.
Is it good enough to be lying on our death beds and someone says "gee its a shame to lose such a nice girl"
But to be a good person isn't a quality or a behaviour one can learn, it isnt a trait as nice can be, it is a persons beliefs, their character and soul. It is what they are underneath the layers of nicety's, pleases and thankyou's. To be a good person is a fucking hard thing at times, its something you have to work at your whole life, to not let beliefs be swayed by popular opinion and what seems good at the time, to hold no sexisms or racisms or biggotry. To truly care about other people, and i dont mean by giving up your bus seat or fucking holding the door open for a girl, but by recognising and trying to understand the bigger picture, humanity.
To try and understand why people do what they do, instead of jumping to immediate conclusions and hatreds, to be understanding and being able to feel empathy, not sympathy, but empathy.
The argument between nice and good is a no brainer, but the battle to be good is one i think humanity will always struggle with.
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